Welcome to the Web plateform dedicated to the DECRA project! |
European Cultural Routes are cultural, touristic, educational, scientific projects happening at a European scale on various topics and involving lots of people from various backgrounds and having diverse skills and experiences. | |
With this motto, the DECRA project gathered experiences, practices and projects implemented in the frameworks of European Cultural Routes that you can search for in this Website. They are organised among 4 different topics for you to explore: |
projects and experiences about both digital and physical accessibility to the Routes, to knowledge about the Routes and their content. Learn more... | |
projects and experiences about social inclusion and citizen participation within the Routes. Learn more... | |
projects and experiences about the valorization of local heritage and the Faro Convention within the Routes. Learn more... | |
managers and members of the Routes explain how they work on a European scale, and what opportunities and challenges they are facing in short videos. Learn more... | |
With this, we hope that you will find an idea, an understanding, an inspiration, but also, maybe a partner or a contact for a future project or exchange of experiences. You can search through the database or directly through the topics, so feel free to travel and explore the richness of European Cultural Routes. Let's get inspired! |