The ERASMUS+ DECRA project (Developing European Cultural Routes for All) was built on the basis of a common reflection of 18 European Cultural Routes (ECR) - some of these ECR are certified as Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. Recognizing that the transnational networks of the European Cultural Routes gather a whole richness, frequently unknown, of skills, know-how and know-how-to-be necessary to an effective implementation of European cultural cooperation, the different partners (French Federation of European Cultural Routes, Association NETZ - Media and society, Association Transromanica, Association ATRIUM on the architecture of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, European Association for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage, Danube Competence Center and the University of Avignon) aim at gathering, analysing, discussing and transmiting, thank to digital tools adapted and easy to use for a large audience, practices and skills of the members of the European networks of ECRs.
In this framework, it is about taking into account all kinds of experiences and skills, no matter what the profile of legal entities - museums, association, institutions, local and regional auhtorities, librairies, SMEs, etc. - and physical persons : thus, the project involves, for example, inhabitants devoted to the visits of their village as well as city mayors wanting to build new sustainable touristic approaches for their natural and cultural heritage, museums staffs wanting to highlight their collections as European as well as school teachers organising school trips in other European countries, etc. Through its strongly inclusive and comprehensive approach, the project aims at going beyond centre/periphery and rural/urban dichotomies by taking into account all kinds of experiences and by thinking their transferability to other persons through.
The ERASMUS+ DECRA project will apply this approach to four specific themes, linked to the European Cultural Routes:
- Faro Convention: re-appropriation of local heritage and European valorization
- Social inclusion and citizen participation
- Accessibility of monuments and knowledge, inluding digital accessibility and multilinguism
- Long-term development of European networks, including the Social and Solidarity Economy approach.
The 24-months duration of the DECRA project will allow to collect data about experiences in the 18 involved networks (through a bottom-up approach), to analyze them and to develop digital tools enabling different target audiences to learn and use these knowledge and skills in order to foster a dissemination and a transfer of these skills and abilities, and thus, to foster educationnal and cultural cooperation at a European level, i.e. on a non-formal education level and through peer-to-peer learning. In this process, the University of Avignon will also be a strong asset to the project team et to the quality of the reflection and methodology on mediation towards different audiences.